Research projects - Phase 2
The FEMM Hub started its 7-year programme of work on April 1st 2019. The original proposal for the Hub was required to include a programme of research for the first half or so of the 7-year period. With the remainder to be developed in consultation with our advisory boards.
In February 2022 we began this process with a facilitated partner connect workshop which resulted in a report on the priorities, trends and opportunities identified by industry partners and the FEMM hub team. Using this report, the team formulated a list of 37 research topics with an emphasis on mapping these topics onto the outputs of the partner connect workshop. This list was then presented at a joint Industry and Scientific Advisory board meeting and they were given the opportunity to vote on this list. This list was then consolidated into the final research programme for years 5-7, which can be found below.
Please note, some of the activities which do not feature in Phase 2 will continue through PhD project activities.
Grand Challenge 1
Manufacturing-led innovation in electrical machines
This theme is concerned with realising the dividends that come from much closer integration between innovation in electrical machine design and advanced manufacturing methods.
Grand Challenge 2
Process innovation, monitoring and simulation
This theme is focused on the numerous processes that underpin electrical machine manufacture. The research will draw heavily on modelling and simulation to explore the influence of current and emerging processes on final machine performance.
Cross cutting themes
A central thread of activity linking our research outputs
Cross cutting (X) themes underpin our Grand Challenge (GC) themes. Each GC theme incorporates elements each of the X themes in order to develop a deeper understanding and maximise FEMM Hub outputs.