FEMM Hub 3rd Feasibility Call
The successful applications are:
PI: Soran Birosca
Novel Manufacturing Approach to Design Electrical Steels used in E-Machines: NOMA-ES
PI: David Hall
Aerosol deposition of ceramic coatings for high performance machine insulation
PI: Dr Pedram Asef
Novel manufacturing-led structures for electrical machines under extreme working
PI: Yongxin Pang
Thermally Stable Electric Insulation Materials and Technologies via Wet Chemistry (ThermInsu)
PI: Professor Xiaoze Pei
Additive manufacturing of stator winding for cryogenically cooled axial flux motors
PI: Dr Halid Abu-Bakar
Circular Economy in Electrical Machines Manufacture
PI: Yongjing Wang
The EPSRC Future Electrical Machines Manufacturing (FEMM) Hub is offering 4 awards up to the value of £75,000 each (80% fEC) to support Feasibility Studies at TRLs 1-3. The call is open to all UK academics eligible to receive EPSRC funding and whose institutions are not currently FEMM Hub partners (for a list of our current partners please click here). Proposals are envisaged to have a maximum duration of 12 months and maximum value of £93,750 at full Economic Cost (fEC), with funding to be awarded at 80% of fEC.
Information can be found in the document below. If you have any additional questions please get in touch with FEMM Hub Manager Dr Laura O'Keefe (L.Okeefe@sheffield.ac.uk)
How to apply
Please do not apply via JeS. Please send the following documents to l.okeefe@sheffield.ac.uk by 4pm on Monday 16th of October:
Completed FEMM Hub Proposal Form
Letter of support from submitting universities: This letter should be provided on headed paper, dated and signed by your head of school (or higher).
CV for the Principle Investigator