Successful Research Meeting in Glasgow
On the 11th and 12th of July, academic members of the FEMM hub joined together at the Technology and Innovation Centre, University of Strathclyde for their Quarterly Research Meeting (QRM). Kicking off the meeting, Hub Director Professor Geraint Jewell gave the team an update on hub matters before leading a discussion on the research plans for Phase 2 of the FEMM hub and a review of our KPI's. He then passed over to our newest academic to join the hub, Dr Hassan Ghadbeigi from the Mechanical Engineering Department (University of Sheffield) to share an update on his project titled "Cut edge characterisation in advanced electrical alloy". The team then heard updates from GC1.1 and 1.3 before breaking for lunch.
Following lunch and taking advantage of the fact we were all together, the group then undertook some equality and diversity training led by Strathclyde University. The training titled, Allyship and Solidarity, covered the basics of allyship, why it matters, and practical ways for becoming an effective ally to marginalised groups, with a particular focus on sexism and racism. Through interactive activities and group work, participants will build a solid foundation from which to develop their allyship.
EDI Training - Allyship and Solidarity
Following the training, the team discussed the Roadmap led by Professor Michael Ward before finishing with presentations from GC2.1, 2.2 and X2. Day 2 began with a tour of Tannlin before hearing updates from one of newer research projects based in Bristol led by Dr Nick Simpson "Additive Manufacturing of High Performance Electrical Machine Windings". The QRM then wrapped up with the final research updates from GC 2.3, X1 and X2 before a final word from our Hub Director.