FEMM Hub awards funding to three further Feasibility Projects
Following the announcement in May that the FEMM Hub had partnered with EPSRC Future Manufacturing Hubs in Composites, Metrology and Photonics to offer up to £900,000 in funding for feasibility studies across the hubs, we can now confirm the funding of three further projects.
The successful applications came from the Universities of Bristol, South Wales and Edinburgh Napier, and brings the total number of feasibility studies funded so far to 7. The Joint Hub call received 58 applications, with 14 of them being relevant to more than one Hub.
The successful applications are:
PI: Dr Jonathan Belnoue, University of Bristol
Next generation composite air-gap windings of future lightweight electrical machines
PI: Professor Nigel Copner, University of South Wales
Feasibility study for a flexible, modular pilot line to accelerate innovative soft magnetic material development for electric machines
PI: Dr Pablo Jaen-Sola, Edinburgh Napier University
A critical evaluation of large scale direct drive wind turbine electrical machines manufacturing techniques considering sustainability aspects and recyclability issues ‘CEDEMSARI’
Further details on each project can be found on their respective pages, linked above.