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FEMM Hub announce new circular economy work-package

23 September 2020

The FEMM Hub would like to introduce their new work-package Cross cutting theme 1 (X1) Sustainable manufacturing of electrical machines components for the circular economy which will be led by Dr Jill Miscandlon from the Advanced Forming Research Centre at the University of Strathclyde.

Grayscale photo of Dr Jill Miscandlon of the Advanced Forming Research Centre at the University of Strathclyde.

Currently, most electrical machines are manufactured using mostly metals and their alloys (often virgin materials), some of which are complex in their composition or manufacturing routes. This work-package will look for more modern, more sustainable manufacturing methods to those currently used, equivalent or better performing materials which better fit into a circular economy model, and the introduction of a life cycle model to reintroduce components and/or their materials into the manufacturing chain.

For more information about this work-package see Cross cutting theme 1.