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EPSRC/Rolls-Royce iCASE PhD Studentship

12 May 2021

We are pleased to announce our latest PhD studentship funded through EPSRC/Rolls Royce iCase award.

Combined logo header for Rolls Royce, The University of Sheffield and UKRI EPSRC.

This studentship is concerned with high performance and lightweight electrical machine rotors which combine magnetic materials with advanced carbon-fibre composite technology. The project will be aligned with the research activities of the EPSRC funded Future Electrical Machines Manufacturing Hub and will involve regular engagement with engineers from across Rolls-Royce. 

The research will involve developing, modelling and testing of innovative rotor topologies for next-generation aerospace systems and will encompass both electromagnetic and mechanical modelling of rotor concepts and several aspects of manufacturing, including design for manufacturing. The nature of the research would particularly suit graduates in electrical or mechanical engineering but consideration will be given to graduates from any physical sciences or engineering discipline with an interest in electrical machines and composites.

Eligibility is limited to UK students only. The studentship will have a duration of up to four years and cover all tuition fees, the standard minimum stipend in line with EPSRC rates (currently £15,609 per annum) and a further industry enhancement to the stipend of £6,500 per annum.

If you are interested in applying for this position, contact Professor Geraint Jewell (g.jewell@sheffield.ac.uk).