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Team - Yusuf Ugurluoglu

Research Associate

Yusuf is a Research Associate within the Electrical Power research group of the School of Engineering at Newcastle University. 

He received his MSc and PhD degrees in mechanical engineering from Newcastle University, UK, where his research focused on the design and development of additive manufacturing machines. While pursuing his PhD, he worked with Team Sugar on a European Space Agency project, where he prototyped a precision dosing machine to use in space.

During his time at Lancaster University, he was employed as a Research Associate at the Joining 4.0 Innovation Centre (J4IC). He was responsible for working on the 'iAM-3DPO' project, which involved the development of an AI-based process monitoring module and the implementation of effective process optimization algorithms for an additive manufacturing platform. 

He is responsible for prototyping and testing future electric machines at the FEMM hub.